The  Next Evolution in Healthcare

Our Tenera Platform

What is Tenera?

Tenera Care exists to help families live happier, healthier and safer lives. Our platform provides reliable, modern, real-time technology to senior living facilities to monitor and analyze the health patterns and activities that impact the safety of residents and staff, reducing risk and changing behaviors you have the best possible setting to provide care to residents and better work conditions for staff.

Tenera Features

Location & Monitoring

Tenera Care creates a safer environment in your care facilities by monitoring the location of your residents, staff, visitors and assets both indoors and outdoors, detects hazardous situations and minimizes incident response time.

Contagion Control

Our TeneraWare (bracelet, pendent or clip-on), that all residents, visitors and staff wear or carry on them, can pinpoint their exact position (within 15cm). Integrated contact tracing, can easily tell all interactions, at what distance, in what location, and for how long over any time period.

Automated Nurse Call

TeneraWare devices feature an integrated nurse call button for both residents, staff and visitors.

This identifies the person in distress, their location and who is responding.

Mobile App

Use our companion app on your staffs smart devices to simplify and streamline your facilities operations. View, respond to and instantly clear notifications and Nurse Call requests.


Customizable automated rules will initiate a response if breached. Notifications can be configured as an audible alert, via text or email and will display on the console. Tenera Care can notify staff when a specific resident is detected near a point of interest as well.

Data Reporting

Analyze the data collected throughout your facility through our enterprise dashboard. Leverage trends to optimize space utilization, correct congested traffic patterns, and identify potential operational inefficiencies or safety improvements.

“Tenera Care’s “smart” monitoring solution helps senior care operators improve the quality of life for residents, staff and their families by reducing preventable health and safety issues and enabling more transparent, personalized care.”

Stewart Hardie |

 CEO, Tenera Care

How it Works

The Tenera Indoor Positioning Solution (IPS) is a fully managed cloud service that is easy to install and does not require expensive wiring or construction, minimizing disrupting impact to staff and residents during and after installation.


With up to 1 year of battery life, our wearable device (bracelet, pendent or clip-on), that all residents, visitors and staff wear or carry on them, can pinpoint their position (within 15cm)


Our discreet, non-invasive listeners collect the data received from the TeneraWare throughout your facility.

Let us show you how we can make a difference.

Schedule your live demo with one of our specialists today.

What Our Customers Think

“We now have an evidence-based approach for contact tracing to determine quickly and accurately who’s at risk. Prior to Tenera, we used our best guess. Going forward, this technology provides us precise answers to where exposures were greatest so we can minimize the risk for people working and living in the building, and maximize the number of people who can come to work.”

Tenera Customer

“We can set the barrier and alerts to send us notification if a resident is up out of bed at all. Allowing staff to assist a resident in need much sooner. This has decreased our falls at night for those residents who are at a risk for falls. Our staff have learned that Tenera Care is an indispensable tool.”

Tenera Customer

“We are able to understand where residents and team members are in our buildings at all times. For example, we had a resident who had demonstrated some aggressive behavior. Tenera was able to create a rule that notified team members every time this resident left his room.”

Tenera Customer

“The Tenera system has provided our family with much needed peace of mind, knowing our father is safe and well monitored.”

Family Member