Cyber Security Made Easy

Trolleye Cyber Security

About Trolleye

At TrollEye Security, we strive to remove the complication from cyber security. Our automated approach is simple, yet highly effective. Our platform is extremely intuitive and can provide invaluable insight into your organization’s cyber security posture.

Trolleye Services

Security Audit

The objective of a cybersecurity audit is to provide management with an assessment of an organization’s cybersecurity policies and procedures and their operating effectiveness.

Penetration Test

The objective of a penetration test is to uncover cybersecurity vulnerabilities in computer systems, network infrastructure, or web applications that a cyber attacker could exploit.


TrollEye Security has developed a continuous Cybersecurity Risk Management solution that integrates directly into your organization’s infrastructure. Our ongoing Pen Test as a Service monitors source code repositories, infrastructure devices, and cloud services for modifications and then automatically performs cybersecurity testing.

We continuously perform cybersecurity testing, so you are always informed and have visibility into potential threats that can severely impact your business.

Annual Penetration Tests are required when for compliance frameworks such as PCI, SOC1/SOC2, and HITRUST but are only a snapshot-in-time view. The final report takes weeks to receive, it can’t be used to track findings and is outdated in a matter of days.

With Pen Test as a Service, your organization will have the ability to track application and infrastructure vulnerabilities from discovery to remediation.


Determine the scope
Identify asset resources
Define roles and responsibilities
Agree on the rules of engagement

According to a CNBC news article, 43% of cyberattacks are against small businesses, with only 14% of them having any type of cybersecurity systems in place. The average cost of a cyberattack for a small business is roughly $200,000. This is a big sum for most businesses – so big that it could put a lot of them out of business. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late…